Thursday, January 1, 2009

Karen's Top Ten for the New Year

If you know Karen Fedell, of Whitehouse, Texas, then you know that the joy she carries around in her heart spills over into the lives of everyone she meets. She wrote this list and I am passing it along, hoping it blesses you as much as it blessed me.

Karen’s Top Ten Things to Make You Smile in the New Year
A really cold morning when the sky is so blue it makes your eyes squint. The trees are all sprinkled with frost and the sun is making everything sparkle. It looks like angel land.
Spotting a baby calf running and playing in the pasture. I unofficially adopted one last year. He was in the pasture everyday. I watched him for several months. Every time I drove by it made me smile.
That special day when you realize all the trees have budded. It’s like nature is throwing a party.
Being up before dawn and witnessing the sun bursting over the horizon. It always rises and is never late. What a miracle!
Watching a thunderstorm with all of its power and fury. The fabulous light show put on by the lightening accompanied by the sound track of the thunder. Wow!
Being still enough to actually enjoy the sun setting. Watching all the colors change and melt into each other. I don’t think there is anything more beautiful.
Watching the stars and knowing the One who made them.
I hope you have the joy of a little child in your life. Being able to watch them just having fun, not fearing what people think or afraid they will look silly. And learning from them.
Having a good belly laugh. One that makes your sides hurt….Those are the best kind, especially when shared with a friend.
And my top 10 wish for you is that even though so many things are out of your control that you will have peace knowing God, who created this wonderful universe and all that is in it, is in control, and that He will never leave or forsake His children.

My thanks to Karen for letting me share her list and perspective with everyone.
How thankful I am for friends, like Karen, who share joy in the small everyday blessings of life and remind me to do the same.
May your holiday season and the coming year be blessed as you love those around you passionately, sacrificially, and joyfully.
Cathy Primer Krafve, aka Checklist Charlie, lives and writes with a Texas twang. Comments are invited at or

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