Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Grandparenting the Merry Way

“You have fan mail.”
I opened the envelope and read the first line and almost swooned.
“I always enjoy reading your column…,” the note began.
“Someone is reading my column! I have at least one reader!” I skipped around the office, jumping, doing a victory dance with my mail in the air.
“Better look for the ‘but.’ Those notes always have a ‘but’.”
I made someone else read it. I couldn’t stand the suspense.
It turns out that my dear friend, Merry Jayne Davis, of Bullard, was writing to suggest that I do a series on grandparenting.
So I did, even though I don’t have grandkids yet. I wrote three articles anyway.
Grandparenting is a fun subject, so I was tickled when Merry Jayne emailed me her ideas about grandparenting since she actually has grandkids.
If you know Merry Jayne, then you know I spelled her name correctly.
If you know her mom, then you know that she was prophetic when she decided to spell her infant daughter’s name that way.
Merry Jayne has a knack for turning normal daily events into joyous celebrations of love. It could be her terrific sense of humor or that ready smile.
According to Merry Jayne, there are many ways to stay close to your grandchildren. Here are just a few of hers:
- Pray for them and ask them to pray for you.
- Edify them. Build them up, help strengthen their self image.
- Communication, keep the lines open.
- Take time to have fun with them.
- Start a college fund for them.
She tells me that she asked one of her granddaughters for her favorite thing about grandparents and she said she liked being invited over, doing projects, and the trips.
But most of all the love.
Speaking as a parent, I really like her idea about the college fund.
Not only do the grandkids have some extra cash for college, but they also get the message that education is important.
Also, I’m thankful for anyone who reminds me to pray.
We get moving so quickly in life that prayer is sometimes the first thing we forget. Ironic, too, since it is often the most effective way to prioritize your life.
Merry Jayne’s note doesn’t actually qualify as fan mail, since we have known each other for years. Plus, she introduced me to my husband.
Still, what a blessing for all of us that this kind lady took the time to put her insights on paper!
I’m filing her advice away under “Future Dreams.”

Cathy Primer Krafve, aka Checklist Charlie, lives in beautiful East Texas with her family. She welcomes all comments, help, thoughts, corrections, ideas, and especially lists at

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